Jane is slang for a women's toilet. Jampon is British slang for tampon. Ahhh, English. “Jammie” means lucky in British slang and “Dodger” refers to the comic book character Roger the Dodger from the Beano. "He's undies, I tell ya!" Jammy is British slang for lucky. (9) Last night I watched a businessman taping to a lamp post a dodger seeking information about someone from his firm. and from The Independent on Sunday May 1996, in a piece reviewing a glossary of English/Scottish terms aimed at aiding Americans in reading Irvine Welsh's novel Trainspotting; "Many of the words explained in the glossary are relatively common British slang - bevvy, dosh, gaff, giro and rat-arsed. This is a list of British words not widely used in the United States.In Canada, New Zealand, India, South Africa, and Australia, some of the British terms listed are used, although another usage is often preferred.. Jammy dodger is London Cockney rhyming slang for sexual intercourse (roger). (9) Last night I watched a businessman taping to a lamp post a dodger seeking information about someone from his firm. Sure, you can master the basic range of vocabulary to successfully order yourself a portion of fish and chips, but a complex spelling system and seemingly nonexistent rules of pronunciation make sounding like a local a little more tricky. Pissed: drunk. the British form is bogey. Wouldn’t it be weird if the run-off senate vote in Georgia were contested? Jane is slang for a girl or woman. The English language is notoriously difficult to get to grips with. Another word for shirker: slacker, piker, dodger, shirk, quitter | Collins English Thesaurus 1. “I just need to find 11,780 votes.” -Pres. 'Booger' in British English is more likely to be understood as a euphemistic pronunciation of 'bugger'. Slang. JANE. JAMPON. And today’post is about where it all started – British Slang! A sodomite. (British) People who like to have sex in public. Whenever you go to Britain, you’ll find Jammie Dodgers! "Nor am I a doom-dodger or a back-to-nature boy." The British criminal slang you never knew. Other British slang words for attractive include fit, lush, a sort, piff, buff, leng. English is one of the most spoken languages in the world, with one of its variants being British English. These shortbread biscuits are manufactured by Burton’s Biscuit Company and are especially popular with children and for High Tea. Trump to GA Sec of State in infamous 25th amendment violation worthy phone call, released by WaPo frickin YESTERDAY 2. (12) Between 30 and 35 fee dodgers are caught in York every week. (10) I mean, there's worse things you can be than a draft dodger . Again—a lot of words for drunk. Bugger is slang for... Vulgar Slang. The original word was "Bogey' in the UK. No other language in the world has been as bastardised as this one! A fellow; a chap: “He's a silly little bugger, then” (John le Carré). (12) Between 30 and 35 fee dodgers are caught in York every week. Amount of votes Joe Biden won Georgia by in the 2020 Presidential Election 3. Jampot is British slang for the vagina. British English is much like French, it is generally considered to be one of the most sophisticated languages on the planet. To sound like a native, you’ll want to learn British slang words. Jane is slang for a female prostitute. ... "Dodger is on the bottle today." A contemptible or disreputable person. (10) I mean, there's worse things you can be than a draft dodger . (11) With the dodger up it sailed downwind at nearly a knot and a half, complete with steerage! Fancy Dress: not "dressing fancy." Words with specific British English meanings that have different meanings in American and/or additional meanings common to both languages (e.g. (11) With the dodger up it sailed downwind at nearly a knot and a half, complete with steerage! JAMMY DODGER. Slang. These are the best! What is a Jammie Dodger? JAMPOT. Undies - anyone on the prison wing who prisoners think may be undercover.

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