This has to be resolved because grandmother is over a lot! Try foods that he’s never had before or would not get on a typical day and save these treats for these special occasions.If you’re working on management, you may want to find a crate to keep your puppy in when guests are over. My friend's show line GSD is this way and always has been, but gradually she is barking less and less although she is still wary of people, particularly children. The fastest method to stop barking at the window or in the yard is to control their environment. Most puppies are fully capable of dropping bad habits and developing healthier ones, though it will heavily depend on the history, personality, and resilience of the individual. While you know they’re not going to do any harm to people, other people aren’t so sure. If pup is too worked up have the person stand far enough away pup can stay calm and toss treats to pup from there, then as pup relaxes let pup approach the person when they are feeling braver and friendlier. I have three children and she’s so good with them. She is fine with, cars, dogs etc but people she barks constantly. Ignore any hysterics for now, but back up and create more space if your dog is unwilling to eat. One fight can create a reactive dog. Tips to Stop Dog Barking Many of the behaviors dog owners consider to be undesired are actually completely natural for dogs. Rather, try to teach your dog when it is appropriate to bark, and reward him for being quiet. Put the treat right up to their nose and let them smell it. It helps to see your dog’s behavior for what it most likely is: fear vs. disobedience. However, she does let me play with her and pet her now, so it's not as if your puppy is doomed to a miserable life or anything. Even if we are in a group of people, some he will ignore, others he will approach, and then others he will bark and growl at. My German Shepherd Is Barking At Strangers. Out of confusion, I punished him and that made his behavior even worse. You’re fed up with worrying when new people come over to the house. Train your doggie to speak first. It could be a behavior that was inherited from the mother, or it could be due to a bad experience that happened at any point before your puppy came home with you. My dog would bark for a long period of time without stopping. So, they often bark when they notice strangers near their home or yard to protect and alert. My dog on a leash is fine with strangers that do not have a dog, but when he is at an off leash dog trail he will bark at people who DON'T have a dog with them. Caitlin Crittenden. Don’t worry that you may ruin your dog’s keen watchdog abilities by training them to not bark. He barks and growls to the point people are afraid and avoid him which I don’t want. I really suggest hiring a trainer who has a lot of experience with aggression and uses both positive reinforcement and fair corrections, and a lot of structure and calmness, to help you. Make him sit, stay calm, and do whatever else you ask before doling out whatever it is he wants. There’s nothing worse than not knowing how to stop my German Shepherd from barking at … Behavior. Rylee has the opportunity to practice her manners from a distance. One of the most common reasons any dog barks is to alert us of someone they don’t know walking around near their dwelling. Some dogs are territorial at home but fine with others in another, neutral environment. You don’t want to put a friend’s safety at risk or needlessly stress out your dog. First, have your dad's friends ignore her when they enter, then whenever she gets quiet for at least a second, have them toss her a treat nonchalantly. Eventually, you’ll be able to have your dog closer and closer to strangers. we usually isolate her in another room when someone is coming then let her out after they are inside and seated. There’s nothing worse than not knowing how to stop my German Shepherd from barking at strangers! Similar the above. class in your area. 4 Posts . Keep your puppy busy mentally and physically. Here’s how to teach your dog the “speak” and “quiet” command: This definitely takes practice and is a frustrating process, but stick with the training and work on both the “speak” and “quiet” so that your dog knows the difference. If it’s not effective, teach him to be quiet on command. Hello Tasha, German Shepherd barking problem is one of the most common and annoying problems that German Shepherd dog owners have. Have people toss or hand pup treats when they greet pup. We are trying to get her to like "her" grandmother but she hates her with a vengeance, possibly because she smells grandmother's dog on her. Because she’s so strong and loud when she barks, I don’t like the idea of introducing them. And it can often result in people trying ... Read moreGerman Shepherd Barking At Strangers (3 Best Ways To Fix) You need German Shepherd training to get the best behavior from your dog and enjoy a happy life with them. Taking her to obedience classes will be a good way to boost her confidence. Caitlin Crittenden. It is a sad fact that people re-home their dogs every day due to excessive barking. Thresholds: I read one website that suggested she may be trying to warn me, and to praise her and then give her the command 'stop barking', then if she barks again yell at her to startle her and use negative association to teach the command. The behavior could go either way. she scares visitors with her vigorous barking. At this age, this is most likely a fear issue due to a lack of socialization. our year old australian shepherd barks when someone comes to the door or drives up. Socialization is best done during the puppy stages, but even adult and senior dogs benefit from new experiences. Best of luck training, You want pup to have at least 100+ good experiences with a variety of different types of people and situations. Aggression gets harder to address the older a puppy gets. Training your Shepherd not to be aggressive will alleviate that concern. Have the person approach like a stranger would and ignore pup while talking with you as they bark. The things that you are working on (the giving of treats, removing her from the room, and praising her when she is quiet) are all good ways to go about it. Territorial and alarm barking arise when your dog sees or hears something that excites them. Your end goal is for your dog to see another dog, and remain calm, looking at you for guidance. Is your German Shepherd barking a lot? When your German Shepherd bites you, it’s okay to say “ouch”. In my experience, punishing an Aussie for barking rarely works. See if you have dog savy friends that pup can go visit at their house for a day, while they practice the above with him. Nellie barks at men whether at home or on a walk. The first thing you will need to do is find a situation which naturally triggers a bark. It’s important to nip this problem in the bud before it escalates. This is a long time for a dog, so have patience and keep working up to a longer and longer “quiet” time before offering your dog the reward. Tell your dog "watch me" every time you see another dog approaching. Now that Rylee is fully vaccinated we have been going for small outing to get her Leash trained. we usually isolate her in another room when someone is coming then let her out after they are inside and seated. Shoko will probably bark at first, but simply ignore her and wait until she stops for a second. After that, pull your hand away from your GS and tell him “No”. This video is a bit more intensive but notice the use of a back tie leash, the timing of rewards (while the dog is calm - not while acting aggressive). Heel article - The turns method: Never reward barking. Once your dog is looking at his (former) trigger and then looking expectantly up at you for a treat, you can begin to put this skill on cue. Go slow and wait until he is more comfortable around them in general. Do not make eye contact or pet your dog until he stops barking and behaves himself. The earlier aggression is addressed the easier it will be and the better the potential outcome. This needs to be practiced several times a week, and ideally with dozens of different people. the reason why I'm asking this is because the father was barking at 8 weeks when i got him too. Don’t surprise your puppy with a guest who may not understand his tendency to bark at strangers. Use this guide to exercise your German Shepherd and meet their physical needs to reduce unwanted behavior. As he looks at the treat and walks past or away from the stranger, give him the treat before he has time to bark. It sounds like pup needs more socialization at this age. Leash him up before the doorbell rings and keep him close as you greet your guests. How can I stop this? Q:Two months ago, we adopted a 2-year-old poodle/terrier mix.He was extremely shy and withdrawn at first, but has become very gentle and affectionate with me and my wife. To stop your dog from barking at strangers, let it bark 3-4 times, then stand over it and calmly give it the command, “Quiet.” Go to your dog and gently hold its muzzle closed with your hand and say “Quiet” again, then release its muzzle and step back. Some Border Collies can be wary of strangers and because they are pretty sensitive in general they really need to be socialized in a positive way with a ton of people while they are young puppies. How To Stop Excessive Barking. They emit a heavy scent, and this helps get your dog’s attention. It’s a lifetime lesson, and even senior dogs need regular training. Training your Shepherd not to be aggressive will alleviate that concern. You are going to need the help of friends to bring about barking. He never barks when he hears a strange noise...he just wants to play with everybody all the time and cuddle up with people. Something needs to change. He never barks at strangers or shows aggression towards anybody. As soon as pup gets quiet for even a second or calmly moves closer to say hi, have the friend gently toss a treat at pup's paws without saying anything. You may find that joining a puppy class, dog club, or training group will make finding people to practice with much easier. Have them stand several feet away and calmly talk to you while ignoring pup, whenever pup pauses barking for even a second or responds to your quiet command, have them gently toss pup a treat while ignoring them still. I think it is essential to Bailey being a safe dog - and besides, dogs love to use their brains. You’re fed up with worrying when new people come over to the house. This involves going to a large grass patch in the street. She also hates it when strangers come into the house, she is better if they stand still but if they start moving about she barks and lunges at them, she won't take any treats off strangers even if they have been thrown out for her. The result of which is that he may need to be put down. I know some people who use bark collars that do not shot they just beep or vibrate would that be a good idea? Posts by: Mychelle Blake, MSW, CDBC, Lifestyle Contributor and Pet Behavior Expert. Your dog needs to learn new behaviors to quell her fear. You will also use obedience commands to teach him how to bark on command, so you can also train him to be quiet when instructed. Dog Training Do’s In the meantime, you don’t want to put your life on hold. Caitlin Crittenden, My challenge with maple is she I so scared of strangers. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Some GSDs may start barking earlier or later than 4 months due to temperament differences. Your grandmother can drop treats behind her when she walks around to encourage Shoko to stay close and face her fears. Imagine you knew how to stop your German Shepherd from jumping over the fence to … Behavior. Best of luck training, First we reduce her fear around new dogs, and then we begin adding cues such as “watch me” or “sit.” The steps below can be applied to both humans and other dogs, or anything else your dog may be reactive to. When the other dog is out of your dog’s view, all treats stop. Will my puppy inherit the alertness that his father has? Many times, I have my German Shepherd perform the “sit” when we’re coming upon strangers and I think she’s about to bark. I’m not being helpful at all but your dog looks exactly like mine! Her focus can be placed on the act of playing rather than barking. It sounds like you have your hands full. Start Obedience Training If another person is coming your way, don’t hesitate to turn around and walk in another direction. Hello Casey, Our recommendation based off extensive research, Stella's story and our own internal tests, we think that the Pet Gentle is the fastest and most cost-efficient way to get rid of your pets bad behaviors! German Shepherd barking problem is one of the most common and annoying problems that German Shepherd dog owners have. More . Tips to Stop Dog Barking Many of the behaviors dog owners consider to be undesired are actually completely natural for dogs. These behaviors do take time, I am talking months, to correct. At the beginning, they are looking for just seconds of quiet to have a chance to toss the treat to her - as she relaxes more while doing this, the quiet periods should come more often to allow you to reward more often and wait for longer periods of quiet. Oct 01, 2019 Catherine. You then need to capitalize on that by introducing verbal cues and reinforcing the behavior with tasty treats. If your German Shepherd is a puppy they should be particularly receptive. I don't feel fully in control of him because of his strength when he pulls. My challenge is that whenever I go and anywhere and I’m carrying her she’s fine and doesn’t make a noise but when we go on walks she barks at people and other dogs. Very easy to train has passed puppy classes based on her ability to follow commands. You want to make your dog automatically aggressive to strangers. Repeat this until he learns to control his barking. Never give your dog attention if he rudely nudges your hand or barks in your face. This may take a while at first. Work on crate training your puppy so he has a space to go when he is feeling overwhelmed and wants to bark. Allow your dog to bark and then stand in front of them and distract them from barking with a high-value reward. Once a German Shepherd has found his voice, training him to stay quiet can prove challenging. Work on these suggestions every day for about 10 minutes, always ending on a high note. When a stranger is in your puppy’s line of sight, offer the treat. My dog hates strangers, mainly men, if they ignore her she is generally OK but will sometimes bark or chase them away, but if they try to stroke her or shout her over she goes mad barking and lunging at them. It is imperative for owners to work with a professional behaviour expert or trainer in overcoming dog aggression. The training reinforcer MUST be a great one, such as real meat. During the visit, you can let the leash drag and only use it if you have to. If your dog is afraid, you don’t want to make things worse. Consider not walking your dog for 30 days as you reprogram her opinions of other dogs. Caitlin Crittenden, My puppy is 4 months and she is just now getting to socialize and I have tried walks and bringing her to stores and having her around people so she can get used to them petting her. If you do have this behavior problem with your German Shepherd please watch this video from Zak George on how to teach your dog not to bark by using 3 humane and effective methods. Don't stop and be sure to put her into lots of socialization situations, like the dog park, walks where you meet up with other people and dogs, and please continue the training classes. It’s not unusual for a dog to “protect” his territory, and for many, it’s an inherent trait. Let them know of her personality and have them bend down to say hello when they meet her, as opposed to towering over her. I've tried every type of deterrent I could think of, and it never stopped them barking at strangers/passer-bys/neighbors by the fence that they have seen 100 times. Caitlin Crittenden. Look for someone who can work in person with desensitizing her to a variety of people who know how to approach, when to reward, and are able to practice things like obedience with her as she improves around them. She is amazing with dogs but terrible with strangers. Good luck! She has a nervous temperament so it’s mostly worry I think cause she wags her tail when she does it but it makes me quite anxious as it’s hard to get her to stop. Many a good dog is ruined because their owners do not take good care of their pet. Try foods that he’s never had before or would not get on a typical day and save these treats for these special occasions. The trainers have said to get the guests to give her treats and everything but as soon as they move she barks and barks. You ignore everything else. I am going to provide you with information on how to correct this behavior. Thanks for writing in! I would continue what you are doing and socialize her to men. As counterintuitive as this sounds, teach your dog to “speak” first, before teaching the “quiet” command. To remedy this, initiate a “work for it” program that allows you to show your dog affection as long as he earns your attention in appropriate ways. Out of confusion, I punished him and that made his behavior even worse. Consider not walking your dog for 30 days as you reprogram his opinions of other dogs. Sometimes only we hear him barking. Hello, good for you for taking her to training and for being consistent. Recruit as many gentle friends as you can to walk up to you but stand several feet away. The right incentive will play an essential role in training. If he wants in your lap, ask him to do a trick first. How to Train a Puppy to Stop Barking at Strangers. Often that will be one short activity practiced each week, then you will train your own puppy the rest of the time - but it can help puppies get used to others. Make sure each new experience is positive, and encourage your dog without forcing him to interact. Ollie and I have not been to training yet due to covid but he growls and barks at people, dogs and noises that he doesn’t know. Dogs naturally bark when they are excited or scared, so it is not a behavior that you should try to repress entirely. I am going to send you some training exercises you can use to help make your walks or outings a bit more peaceful. As soon as the treat is gone the touching should stop until the next treat. People want to pet him but he barks and backs away and I think people think he is mean, Hello Corrine, Agility video 1: Your puppy is learning and will require plenty of guidance along the way. He may begin to understand that the stranger is a food dispenser. If your method of getting your German Shepherd to stop barking at you is to give it things that it wants such as a toy, a walk or attention then it could be that it has learned that barking at you will get it those things. When pup tolerates the touching well, have the friends reward pup for coming over to say hi, obeying a calm Sit command, then being given a treat and a small pet - to teach pup manners and calmness instead of just learning to run up to people or jump instead of hide. Once a German Shepherd has found his voice, training him to stay quiet can prove challenging. Call the dog to you and command it to sit, then reward it with a treat if it remains seated and quiet. You could also try teaching her the "quiet" command. From a safe distance — your dog determines the distance, not you — have your leashed dog view another dog. To make matters worse, she sits on a windowsill in our front windows and quite literally guards the house. every time the father barks at strangers, my puppy just stays relax. Otherwise, arm yourself with patience. While you know they’re not going to do any harm to people, other people aren’t so sure. She starts growling at first and then barks. When possible ask the stranger or guest to help by handing them some treats to toss at your puppy from a safe distance. You will see a significant change in his behavior after a month of consistent practice. My 10 month old german shepherd male is everbody's best friend. As soon as she takes a break, praise her and have your grandmother toss treats over to her. Good luck! When she see a stranger in the street or even our neighbours outside, she starts barking at them. This part is hard for humans — I understand. Many forward-thinking German Shepherd owners, like yourself, who want to learn how to stop their German Shepherd from barking at strangers for good did so by joining an online training program that uses scientifically-backed protocols after reading this Brain Training for Dogs Review. Tell the dog, sit, "watch me" or whatever command you want to use for this exercise. This scares a lot of people. My dog 15 weeks. You won’t be able to solve your dog’s overprotective behavior in one day. Step 1. My German Shepherd used to bark at all sorts of sound. These posts will help you make the most of bringing up your German Shepherd puppy the right way. © 2020 Wag Labs, Inc. All rights reserved. "In this video, I am working with a German Shepherd dog called Jazz. As long as you keep working toward stopping the behavior, separating an overprotective dog from company is a temporary management solution. I don't recommend a collar - that could make this issue worse at this age. Feed pup treats while the person approaches before pup starts barking, stop treats when pup barks. Your goal is to have your German Shepherd stop barking at strangers almost immediately once you say the “quiet” command for as long as you need. Once pup is ready to greet more people up close, continue carrying treats with you and have people give pup a command like Sit and then reward to teach pup good manners while continuing socialization. then she will come out calmly and sniff them. Any support would be amazing. However on one of her first walks, a Springer spaniel pounced on her from behind when she hadn’t seen it coming. In the meantime, you can teach Rylee the "quiet command" and it will be useful in lots of situations. Research tells us that most leash reactivity is caused by fear, not by aggression. It is an excellent way to expose her to people and other dogs, especially people who understand that dogs bark and need to be trained. German Shepherds can be protective over their house and their family, so they want us to know when there is someone nearby that is a stranger. Love the picture! They have been bred to protect the livestock and homestead and alert their people of intruders. During this time, engage your dog’s mind with mind puzzles, obedience work, and fun stuff like games in the house or yard. He never barks when he hears a strange noise...he just wants to play with everybody all the time and cuddle up with people. He needs to know polite behavior, and polite behavior only, is how he gets what he wants. Most overprotective dogs choose to guard only the person they feel closest to. Reserve these treats only for outside training times, which makes them more high value to your GSD. Pup is most likely acting suspicious due to fear because they are not used to certain types of people. This can be done social distancing if the area is fenced, then only pup has to go up to the person and not you. though sometimes i do like the … She’s such a friendly dog and loves a fuss and with most people she’ll go over to them straight away but if she’s not expecting to see somebody somewhere if they startle her. : Practice every day for 10 minutes. Caitlin Crittenden, He barks at people and kids wjen we are out for a walk. He never barks at strangers or shows aggression towards anybody. Read our full disclaimer for further details. every time the father barks at strangers, my puppy just stays relax. What Your Dog's Sleeping Position Reveals About Their Personality, Health and Character - Duration: 3:57. This sounds like a fear issue and a need for more positive socialization. No matter the reason, even young puppies can show fear or aggression towards the unfamiliar. The Desensitize Method is excellent, as is The Chewy Toy Method. Good luck! 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