Funny or Die walks a fine line between the topical and the absurd. 38. bathetic effect - to make the reader laugh and make the author sound silly and absurd. There was also a considerable amount of new legislatiofl with the object of protecting the minor subjects of the crown, and the system of trial by jurors was advanced to the detriment of the absurd old practices of trial by ordeal and trial by wager of battle. 2. said he with reproach and surprise, "this is absurd! absurdity. But to include call centre work in this category is absurd. dressed in absurd uniforms, rendering them wholly useless. The Holy Scriptures distributed with an absurd profusion in a country where the clergy itself is hardly able to understand and explain them " had been the " prime source of all the secret societies established in the empire.". In the course of the speech he also read a telegram from President Steyn, in which the president repudiated all contemplated aggressive action on the part of the Free State as absurd. In this philosophy the mystical properties of numbers are a leading feature; absurd and mechanical notions are glossed over with the sheen of sacramental mystery; myths are explained by pious fancies and fine-sounding pietistic reflections; miracles, even the most ridiculous, are believed in, and miracles are wrought. " It may sound absurd, but with so many diet programs and products vying for their slice of the profit to be made in the diet arena, many people are confused about what healthy eating means. It is thus absurd to speak of a " Portuguese conquest of India "; in a land campaign they would have been outnumbered and destroyed by the armies of any one of the greater Indian states. It is absurd to suppose they were fraudulently produced in this laboratory. The irreconcilable minority, recognizing this, exhausted all the resources of " technical obstruction " in order to reduce the government to impotence, a task made easy by the absurd standing-rules of the House which enabled any single member to block a measure. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Examples of Absurdity in a sentence. A note by Cyril Lucar states that it was written by Thecla, a noble lady of Egypt, but this is probably merely his interpretation of an Arabic note of the 14th century which states that the MS. was written by Thecla, the martyr, an obviously absurd legend; another Arabic note by Athanasius (probably Athanasius III., patriarch c. 1308) states that it was given to the patriarchate of Alexandria, and a Latin note of a later period dates the presenta tion in 1098. One might find it absurd that items such as pajamas must be dry cleaned, but it is important to remember that silk pajamas were originally a luxury item. Goetschel's defense of the big pike -- to argue that a mandatory public defender could make for absurd results. These cookies do not store any personal information. It's absurd to suggest that tax cuts for the rich will somehow benefit the poor. 4. It would have been absurd to declare that his rule was tyrannical or his policy disastrous. To the modern mind it is absurd that an image or symbol should be taken for that which is imaged or symbolized, and that is why the early history of the Eucharist has been so little understood by ecclesiastical writers. absurd to imagine every single individual responsible in some way for the Holocaust, all making the right choices. It is absurd to call the larva of a newt or of a Caecilian a tadpole, nor is the free-swimming embryo of a frog as it leaves the egg a tadpole. A code word could have triggered that absurd conversation. In solving a quadratic equation by the method of � 38 (viii.) Just as it is absurd to suppose that man is merely earth-born, so the possibility of his ultimate destruction is inconceivable. His purpose was, as Otto Pfleiderer says, "to connect the metaphysical ideas, which had been arrived at by means of philosophical dialectic, directly with the persons and events of the Gospel narratives, thus raising these above the region of ordinary experience into that of the supernatural, and regarding the most absurd assertions as philosophically justified. Attempts were made to secure him, and he was offered the leadership of the House of Commons, under the supervision of Fox, an absurd proposal which he had the good sense to decline. derided the ideas from statistical physics and countered by producing " Art of the Absurd " . Mazzini, who had learned te distrust Carbonarism owing to its lack of a guiding principle and its absurd paraphernalia of ritual and mystery, had conceived the idea of a more serious political association for the emancipation of his country not only from foreign and domestic despotisn~ but from national faults of character; and this idea he hac materialized in the organization of a society called the Giovani Italia (Young Italy) among the Italian refugees at Marseilles After the events of 1831 he declared that the liberation of Ital) could only be achieved through unity, and his great merit lie~. His French, however, was obviously that of a native; and his French patriotism was so impulsive as to be slightly absurd. We need a review of the process, which seems absurd. This, together with the fact that over the altar of his private chapel at Bristol he had a cross of white marble, gave rise to an absurd rumour that the bishop had too great a leaning towards Romanism. But it would be absurd to suppose that they are in reality pretending to be dead, because there is no reason to think they can have any knowledge of death. As the minister of an ambitious and magnificent king, Colbert was under the hard necessity of sacrificing everything to the wars in Flanders and the pomp of Versailles a gulf which swallowed up all the countrys wealth;and, amid a society which might be supposed submissively docile to the wishes of Louis XIV., he had to retain the most absurd financial laws, making the burden of taxation weigh heaviest on those who had no other resources than their labor, whilst landed property escaped free of charge. It is a manual of "popular mythology as expounded in the etymological and symbolical interpretations of the Stoics" (Sandys), and although marred by many absurd etymologies, abounds in beautiful thoughts (ed. He is a most absent-minded and absurd fellow, but he has a heart of gold. What my wife neglected to state was the ongoing need for the big three of food, clothing and shelter and that our New York jobs, even if they felt absurd by comparison, were needed in support of attaining them. Much of it was enlightened and skilful, the product of the best minds in the assembly. They do not represent the opinions of Since this label also applies to glow-in-the-dark cereals and borderline absurd chemical concoctions with barely any semblance to natural human sustenance, manufacturers have quite a bit of leeway. CM 42263 That is quite absurd. Spending the week in jail for stealing a loaf of bread is an absurd punishment for such a minor crime. The attempt to solve the apparent incongruity of a perfect union of two complete and distinct natures in one person produced first Apollinarianism, which substituted the divine Logos for the human y ob's or 7rveuµa of Jesus, thereby detracting from the completeness of his humanity; and then Nestorianism, which destroyed the unity of Christ's person by affirming that the divine Logos dwelt in the man Jesus as in a temple, and that the union of the two was in respect of dignity, and furthermore that, inasmuch as the Logos could not have been born, to call Mary 9eororcos, " Godbearer," was absurd and blasphemous. Absurd as much that we find both in Albertus Magnus and the Ortus seems to modern eyes, if we go a step lower in the scale and consult the " Bestiaries " or treatises on animals which were common from the 12th to the 14th century we shall meet with many more absurdities. At first sight it seems absurd to characterize this period of despotism ending in war, ruin and anarchy as a period of reform. It is absurd, as Plato urged, to say that knowledge is the good, and then when asked "knowledge of what ?". And though Spencer's general position - that it is absurd to suppose that organisms after being modified by their life should give birth to offspring showing no traces of such modifications - seems the more philosophic, yet it does not dispose of the facts which go to show that most of the evidence for the direct transmission of adaptations is illusory, and that beings are organised to minimize the effects of life on the reproductive tissues, so that the transmission of the effects of use and disuse, if it occurs, must be both difficult and rare - far more so than is convenient for Spencer's psychology. I began to feel that all of this were faintly absurd. Types: absurd proposition, it is still debated by philosophers. 180+7 sentence examples: 1. I call it absurd because on a ship that size, he was certainly handling duties that other qualified staffers existed to do, and in a bureaucracy, such signs of favoritism to the son of the doctor would certainly raise eyebrows. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Absurd" in Example Sentences Page 1. The nauseous taste repelled even the self-sacrificing industry of Burnouf, when he found the later Tantra books to be as immoral as they are absurd. 2 Absurd suspicion has been cast upon the later speeches in Catilinam and that pro Archia. Pleasure," says he, " does not seem to be thinking or perceiving; for it is absurd: but on account of not being separated from them, it appears to some persons to be the same.". Both combatants had, according to the absurd habit of the time, to disown their works, Desfontaines's disavowal being formal and procured by the exertion of all Voltaire's own influence both at home and abroad. It was absurd to expect foreign nations to deal with a second-rate man as commander-in-chief while Washington was in the field, and he seems to have had no further trouble of this kind. It was also in the reign of Justinian that Cosmas Indicopleustes, an Egyptian merchant, made several voyages, and afterwards composed his XpUTTcavuxr} Toaoypa(Pia (Christian Topography), containing, in addition to his absurd cosmogony, a tolerable description of India. To make allegations that the Scunthorpe Health Authority were prompted by malice is equally absurd. footmanristocrat might once have had footmen dressed in absurd uniforms, rendering them wholly useless. The absurd definition: the conception of the world, esp in Existentialist thought, as neither designed nor... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples This being so, it is absurd in a symphony to use only such orchestral colours as would be fit for dramatic moments which are not likely to recur for an hour or two, if they recur at all. He believed that to look for the restoration of freedom of foreign trade in Great Britain would have been "as absurd as to expect that an Oceana or Utopia should be established in it.". assume example sentences. Members of the band have come forward in Ashlee's defense, claiming that she is "nothing short of awesome" and her relationship with Pete has in no way contributed to their lack of Grammy nods, calling the very thought "(expletive) absurd.". It's absurd to ask. Connecting the Atari classic Combat with real-life violence is absurd, even though the game simulates dogfights and tank warfare. It is obviously absurd, in the face of the foregoing facts, to regard it as the end of a middle age in anything but in its own field. clap clinics That said, the idea of ' shared care ' is not necessarily absurd, especially if managed properly. A perfectly absurd and stupid fellow, and a gambler too, I am told. absurd or crazy, usually resulting in derision or mockery. Hecker, however, was not at all ready to listen to them; on the contrary, he added to violence an absurd defiance, and offered an amnesty to the German princes on condition of their retiring within fourteen days into private life. Now it is not likely that Aristotle either, after having so often identified pleasure with activity, would say that the identification is absurd though it appears true to some persons, of whom he would in that case be one, or, having once disengaged the pleasure of perceiving and thinking from the acts of perceiving and thinking, would go backwards and confuse them. Of a scepticism which professes to doubt the validity of every reasoning process and every operation of all our faculties it is, of course, as impossible as it would be absurd to offer any refutation. The difficulty of mythology is to account for the following among other apparently irrational elements in myths: the wild and senseless stories of the beginnings of things, of the origin of men, sun, stars, animals, death, and the world in general; the infamous and absurd adventures of the gods; why divine beings are regarded as incestuous, adulterous, murderous, thievish, cruel, cannibals, and addicted to wearing the shapes of animals, and subject to death in some stories; the myths of metamorphosis into plants, beasts and stars; the repulsive stories of the state of the dead; the descents of the gods into the place of the dead, and their return thence. Except by the obviously absurd assumption of the infallibility of copyists for the centuries before c. 300 B.C., we cannot escape the conclusion that errors lurk even where no variants now exist, and that such errors can be corrected, if at all, only by conjectural emendation. 180+7 sentence examples: 1. This seems a bit absurd considering cats do eat everything raw in the wild. How absurd to suppose that here we pass from a particular categorical to a universal hypothetical, and then treat this very conclusion as a particular categorical to pass to a higher universal hypothetical ! It would be absurd, however, to dismiss all the legislative work of the Convention as merely partisan or eccentric. On the other hand, Thorold Rogers, not to speak of earlier objectors, described the law as a " dismal and absurd theorem.". 3. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. 91. Examples of absurd in a sentence: 1. In laying the foundations of a science of ancient chronology he relied sometimes upon groundless, sometimes even upon absurd hypotheses, frequently upon an imperfect induction of facts. absurd assertion that " no maths is involved " . The judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah (which of course they believed to be under the waters of the lake, in accordance with the absurd theory first found in Josephus and still often repeated) blinded these good pilgrims to the ever-fresh beauty of this most lovely lake, whose blue and sparkling waters lie deep between rocks and precipices of unsurpassable grandeur. On the whole I agree with the Lib Dem principles but even they have policies that I find frankly absurd. After Palmerston's enforced resignation, there was a new and more absurd hubbub. To' this use has been attached the absurd origin from "ne ' god," the words in which, according to the 12th century chronicle, Rollo, duke of the Normans, refused to kiss the foot of Charles III., the Simple, king of the West Franks. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. How absurd dreams are! But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. 3. Oxfords: Jelly oxfords almost sound like an absurd concept, but Melissa does them justice. It may be convenient to use the terms "vitality" and "vital force" to denote the causes of certain great groups of natural operations, as we employ the names of "electricity" and "electrical force" to denote others; but it ceases to be proper to do so, if such a name implies the absurd assumption that "electricity" and "vitality" are entities playing the part of efficient causes of electrical or vital phenomena. But that's me getting pretentious (or absurd? These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Such a theory, like its modern rival of the sun-myth, may of course be pushed till it becomes absurd; yet in India critical observers, like Sir Alfred C. Lyall, attest innumerable examples of the gradual elevation into gods of human beings, the process even beginning in their lifetime. Synonyms Antonyms Definitions Examples Part of speech. The very idea is absurd. irapa, beyond, contrary to, S6Ea, opinion), a proposition or statement which appears to be at variance with generally-received opinion, or which apparently is self-contradictory, absurd or untrue, but either contains a concealed truth or may on examination be proved to be true. He was wearing galoshes and an absurd hat. This exquisite familiarity with bird and beast would make us love the memory of Thoreau if his egotism were triply as arrogant, if his often meaningless paradoxes were even more absurd, if his sympathies were even less humanitarian than we know them to have been. The website Snopes is renowned for its ability to pick through urban legends and separate the real from the absurd. City hall officials call the demand absurd and old-fashioned. 6. Or is this altogether absurd for us who say that happiness is an activity? Absurd in a sentence 2 See answers shrashtiyadav shrashtiyadav Answer: it had an absurd ritual and a strange uniform. It would be both absurd and dangerous concerning the suspensory effect of this provision. Though alarmed by the revolutionary agitation in Germany, which culminated in the murder of his agent, the dramatist Kotzebue, Alexander approved of Castlereagh's protest against Metternich's policy of " the governments contracting an alliance against the peoples," as formulated in the Carlsbad decrees, 1819, and deprecated any intervention of Europe to support " a league of which the sole object is the absurd pretensions of absolute power.". , Claiming that your cat was abducted by aliens is absurd. We may therefore say that, while it is rather absurd to believe that Zeus and Tsui-Goab were once real men, yet their myths are such as would be developed by people accustomed, among other forms of religion, to the worship of dead men. ‘It is absurd to blame schools with high standards for other schools having low standards.’ ‘Its also absurd to try to blame this on gun-ownership.’ ‘However, it is absurd to place primary blame on the players for this situation.’ ‘It would be absurd to blame Aristotle for his conceptual poverty: poverty is a lack, not a failing.’ Absurdity definition is - the quality or state of being absurd : absurdness. Any attempt to reject its basic historicity even in matters of detail must now appear absurd. These lyric segments, deemed offensive by the moral majority have been joined together by Correa to form an absurd musical collage. It had an absurd ritual and a strange uniform. It has also been urged in excuse for Philo's absurd derivation from &nos. Hume concedes that a compact is the natural means of peace fully instituting a new government, and may therefore be properly regarded as the ground of allegiance to it at the outset; but he urges that, when once it is firmly established the duty of obeying it rests on precisely the same combination of private and general interests as the duty of keeping promises; it is therefore absurd to base the former on the latter. While this seemed a bit absurd, the more he thought about being the prime candidate in an attempted murder, with his wife a close second, the more he considered the phone tap a real possibility. The absurd position the experience for them find their way scorsese director Thelma. But it would be absurd to suppose that we could reach those conclusions by simple reference to the trades themselves. shiploads of absurd humor are welded into a dark comic-book version of low-life on the high seas. 7. It was absurd, he’d said. The prejudices which he brought up to London were scarcely less absurd than those of his own Tom Tempest. It may appear absurd to a geologist that any one could mistake a Cretaceous flora for one of Miocene date, since the marine animals are completely different and the differences are striking. The prescriptions are for a great variety of ailments and afflictionsdiseases of the eye and the stomach, sores and broken bones, to make the hair grow, to keep away snakes, fleas, &c. Purgatives and diuretics are particularly numerous, and the medicines take the form of pillules, draughts, liniments, fumigations, &c. The prescriptions are often fanciful and may thus bear some absurd relation to the disease to be cured, but generally they would be to some extent effective. Absurd Trivia has EastEnders games that range from easy to hard and test your knowledge of the Beales, the Slaters and the other residents of Albert's Square. absurd to pretend that the water here is in any sense private. All Rights Reserved. A brief description of how the Egyptians were punished through the very things with which they sinned (though the punishment was not fatal, for God loves all things that exist), and how judgments on the Canaanites were executed gradually (so as to give them time to repent), is followed by a dissertation on the origin, various forms, absurdity and results of polytheism and idolatry (xiii.-xv. Pughe, Grammar and Dictionary 2 (1832), vitiated by absurd etymological theories; J. An absurdity is a thing that is extremely unreasonable, so as to be foolish or not taken seriously, or the state of being so. The old duke of Newcastle, probably desiring a post for some nominee of his own, conveyed to the ear of the new minister various absurd rumours prejudicial to Burke, - that he was an Irish papist, that his real name was O'Bourke, that he had been a Jesuit, that he was an emissary from St Omer's. CK 1 35493 Don't be absurd. 3. A careful reading of the score to this English text reveals not a single false emphasis or loss of rhetorical point in the fitting of words to notes, nor a single extra note or halt in the music; and wherever the language seems stilted or absurd the original will be found to be at least equally so, while the spirit of Wagner's poetry is faithfully reflected. CK 1 36051 What an absurd idea! , Because Jim is a gun rights activist, he finds banning his constitutional right to keep and bear arms to be absurd. adjective If you say that something is absurd, you are criticizing it because you think that it is ridiculous or that it does not make sense. That means we can no longer hold onto absurd, outdated ideas that we used to be able to spout off about in public. He was still a prisoner in the land of those inmates of his mind, the rascal story tellers who made the most absurd tales seems as natural as butter on toast. The characters became more absurd with each passing round of tales. But in the mythological account of Cagn given by Qing he appears as a kind of grasshopper, supernaturally endowed, the hero of a most absurd cycle of senseless adventures. Example sentences with the word assume. 9. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. In other words, if a business deduction seems absurd, it probably is. Another curious effect, and rather absurd mistake, resulted from the different densities in the super-heated atmosphere which caused this mirage. To this petition Ambrose replied in a letter to Valentinian, arguing that the devoted worshippers of idols had often been forsaken by their deities; that the native valour of the Roman soldiers had gained their victories, and not the pretended influence of pagan priests; that these idolatrous worshippers requested for themselves what they refused to Christians; that voluntary was more honourable than constrained virginity; that as the Christian ministers declined to receive temporal emoluments, they should also be denied to pagan priests; that it was absurd to suppose that God would inflict a famine upon the empire for neglecting to support a religious system contrary to His will as revealed in the Scriptures; that the whole process of nature encouraged innovations, and that all nations had permitted them, even in religion; that heathen sacrifices were offensive to Christians; and that it was the duty of a Christian prince to suppress pagan ceremonies. 2. The middle ages had been satisfied with absurd and visionary notions about the world around them, while the body of man was regarded with too much suspicion to be studied. Meats, eggs and legumes are packed full of the right amount of protein and they also contain plenty of fat and calories - meaning that you will not be able to sit down and eat an absurd amount of any of these foods. The ridiculous claim that the moon is made of cheese is guaranteed to make people laugh at you should you actually utter it. Examples of absurd in a sentence, how to use it. And rather absurd mistake, resulted from the different densities in the face of the title. Her absurd thought way for the first absurd or outrageous statement and it difficult... Stalinist dictatorship of the best minds in the ensuing weeks physical mystery which. In Example Sentences Page 1 the experience for them find their way scorsese director thelma it have... 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